Bose Frames
Can connect to watch even when iPhone is way out of range
My brother bought me Bose Frames last year, in February 2022 from Chicago. It has an in-built speaker and mic within the frame at the edge, near the ears. I didn't use it for many months. I changed the glasses to power glass since I have both short and long vision.
I connected it to my iPhone 12 Pro Max via Bluetooth and it worked like a charm.
Recently I tried something very important to me - getting to use the frames (audio and voice) without the need for my mobile phone. I disconnected it from my iPhone and connected it to my Apple Series 7 Cellular Watch. When I went out of range from my phone (I even switched off my phone), I could listen to my music and take/receive calls with my bose frames via my watch! All this is possible because my frames connects to my watch via Bluetooth and Apple Cellular Watch has an eSIM which makes it work without the need for the iPhone. Now I can visit the gym without taking my mobile and still have mobile connectivity! The only issue at the gym was that the gym itself has loud music so it was a nuisance.
But elsewhere, it's useful when taking calls without the need to plugin something like airpods into your ears. Needs to be charged frequently because if you listen to music for ~2 hrs it drains to almost 0%. Actually, it would drain to 0% even if the bluetooth is on for a couple of hours. This is something I would prefer not doing - switching on/off bluetooth on the frames only when I need to connect. I keep my Sony WI-XB400 Wireless Extra Bass in-Ear Headphones's bluetooth on for almost a day without it getting drained out - but I couldn't get my Sony wireless connected to my watch without the mobile. But the frames seem to drain even when the bluetooth is simply on. This would be a bit difficult to manage for power users.